Monday, September 7, 2009

Maybe I can do this for real

Is being a grown up different than being an adult? As an adult, you pay bills, go to work, take care of chores, etc. How is that different from being a grown up? I know that I don't feel like a grown up; I feel like a kid with a lot of responsibilities. Now, not to say that I'm happy to feel like a kid, but every now and then the twinge of "grown up" clashes with who I am.

I'm grateful to have the things in my life that I do. My serious boyfriend, my career, my house, my car. But over the last few months it's occurred to me that I don't always like the responsibility that comes with these things and I find myself longing for a limitless, nearly responsibility free life that I led as a teenager. As I've come to realize the laundry doesn't do itself, the kitchen doesn't self-clean and the dishes don't self-wash. Whenever I find that I'm bored, I know it isn't because I don't have something to do, it's because I don't want to do what needs to be done. So today, in an attempt to balance my social life, home life, work life and housework, I've started a new plan. I will no longer let my laundry pile up or let the bathrooms get gross. Basically, I'm going to start taking care of the house and my life like I'm actually responsible for it and the way I want other people to see me.

Let's see how long this "grown-up" thing lasts. I hope it doesn't get in the way of my kid inside me.

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