Saturday, September 12, 2009

I'm a sucker for technology

So far I've spent this morning downloading fantasy football podcasts, going to Best Buy and reading blogs. My trip to Best Buy was fruitful, but not as much as I had liked. When I sat out this morning, I had intended to purchase an iPod Nano. I want one of the new ones with the video camera and I wanted it to be pink. After finding the iPod/iPhone kiosk at Best Buy, I began searching for my iPod. No luck. So I asked the 19 year old sales guy about the iPod I was out to buy, but he informed me that said iPod wouldn't be available until the 30th! The 30th?! I can get it on for $20 less than the previous model you're offering here and I don't have to wait until the 30th! Damn you, Best Buy. So I bought a bought a mouse and a data transfer cable instead.

This is the mouse I bought. And I love it. It is a Logitech V450 Nano. Look at that little bitty receiver! And when you need to pack your notebook up, the receiver stores INSIDE THE MOUSE! That is the coolest thing for me, since I tend to misplace those damned things.

In other news, Texas @ Wyoming 2:30PM. I plan on watching the game at Doc's Drafthouse while drinking and eating until I can no longer stand. I love football season.

Hook 'em!


johnny said...

hi kate, cool blog :)

If you try an apple shop you should be able to get the iPod nano there straight away and for the same price online.

I have an older version of that mouse!!! Its class!

mylittlebecky said...

i think i may want that just for the eensy receiver... too cute!