Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why Obama is a Failure and Why We Didn't Have Any Other Option

I know I haven't posted in awhile, but now I have something to post about that isn't my personal life.

When Obama was elected I literally cheered and danced about my apartment excited about change. Now I'm so upset with him I could cry. The only change that has happened is things have gotten worse.

Example 1: CARS was a terrible program that failed miserably. It lost us money and had no positive economic value whatsoever (If you owned an 89 Grand Caravan chances are you can't afford a new vehicle.).

Example 2: All gasoline now is made of 10% ethanol. In older vehicles and some newer ones, the ethanol destroys fuel lines, clogs injectors and causes evaporative emissions and fuel consumption to increase, not decrease. Just the thing the government was trying to combat with the CARS program (Hello, anyone home McFly?). These problems result in expensive vehicle repairs, even in brand new vehicles that aren't designed to handle ethanol containing fuel. Again, if you're driving an older vehicle, you likely cannot afford the repairs. I think the theory behind this bassactward logic is to actually force citizens to give their already fuel efficient vehicles up for a new car that can handle the new fuel, which in turn forces auto makers to produce more cars that handle this fuel. But remember, ethanol fuel causes a significant and noticeable decrease in fuel mileage. Have you noticed gas prices have not gone down? I have. Corn is used to produce ethanol, which doesn't seem so bad because it is technically a renewable resource and I'm sure it makes corn farmers in Iowa pretty happy (the price of corn has shot up as a result.). But there are four problems with this: 1) The runoff from the insecticides have washed into the Gulf of Mexico, destroying the ecosystem. Fish, algae, turtles, birds, the whole nine yards are being poisoned as a result. 2) The price of wheat has increased, so foods made from wheat (which is damned near everything) have shot up as well (In Texas it's not as bad, but on a visit to see my parents in Missouri, I was shocked to see the price of bread because wheat farmers have abandoned wheat in favor of the more profitable corn.). 3) There are only so many places corn will grow successfully. Farmers must rotate their crops so the soil will regenerate the nutrients required to grow the corn meaning any given corn field can only yield so much every couple of years. 4) The fuel additive needed to eliminate the ethanol in this new fuel is very expensive; about $30 a quart. As far as I have found there is only one manufacturer of this additive (Stabil) and one ounce is needed for every 10 gallons. So one and a half ounces per fill for an average vehicle will require 3 ounces per month (granted you only travel 30 miles per day, and you own a relatively fuel efficient vehicle) increasing the price of gasoline by about 3 cents a gallon, granted you pay $2.55 a gallon.

Example 3: If you're not familiar with the Gonzales flag, it is a flag from the Texas Revolution that depicts a cannon with the words "Come and take it" written below it. That's how I feel about "gun control". I don't own a gun, but if I wanted to have one, I want the right to own one. Obama wants to take guns from the honest people who have registered weapons (They have to be registered, how else is the government supposed to find them?). This isn't going to take the guns from gang members, because they buy black market, unregistered and illegal (Guns like AK-47s and other fully automatic rifles.) weapons. Sure there are the few crazies who shoot up military bases (Ft. Hood), and other random places, but that is a far lesser threat than gang members who shoot entire families because they are retaliating for whatever dumb reason. Gangs are always going to find away to aquire weapons and taking them from good citizens isn't going to stop that.

Why we didn't have any other choice:

1) Sarah Palin would've been and is a worthless politician and leader. Her book is so unpopular there is a television commercial which gives her book away for an additional $4.95 to the price of the product. She's the dumbest person I have ever known of.

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2) McCain has lost his marbles. The dude's nuts. Just look at any interviews from his election campaign and you'll see. There are just too many to embed.

See? We had no other choice. Just like in South Park, we had to choose between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich. Just because we got the one we wanted doesn't mean its good.

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